Kamis, 18 November 2010
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
cerita lucu
Salah satu warga Indonesia meninggal dan karena amal perbuatan kurang baik nya salam hidup ia dikirim menuju ke neraka. Di sana ia mendapatkan bahwa ternyata neraka itu berbeda-beda bagi tiap negara asal.
Pertama ia ke neraka orang-orang Australia dan bertanya kpd orang-orang Australia di situ: "Kalian diapain di sini?"
Orang Australia menjawab: "Pertama-tama, kita didudukan di atas kursi listrik selama satu jam. Lalu didudukan di atas kursi paku selama satu jam lagi. Lalu disiram dengan bensin dan disulut api. Lalu, setan Inggris muncul dan memecut kita sepanjang sisa hari."
Karena kedengarannya tidak menyenangkan, si orang Indonesia menuju keneraka lain. Ia coba melihat-lihat bagaimana keadaan di neraka AS, neraka Jepang, neraka Rusia dan banyak lagi. Ia mendapatkan bahwa kesemua neraka-neraka itu kurang lebih mirip dengan neraka orang Inggris.
Akhirnya ia tiba di neraka orang Indonesia sendiri, dan melihat antrian sangat-sangat panjang yang terdiri dari orang berbagai-bagai negara (tidak cuma orang Indonesia saja) yang menunggu giliran untuk masuk neraka Indonesia .
Dengan tercengang ia bertanya kepada yang ngantri: "Apa yang akan dilakukan di sini?" Ia memperoleh jawaban: "Pertama-tama, kita didudukan diatas kursi listrik selama satu jam. Lalu didudukan di atas kursi paku selama satu jam lagi. Lalu disiram dengan bensin dan disulut api. Lalu setan Indonesia muncul dan memecut kita sepanjang hari."
"Tapi itu kan sama persis dengan neraka-neraka yang lain toh. Lalu kenapa dong begitu banyak orang ngantri untuk masuk ke sini?"
"Di sini service-nya sangat-sangat buruk, kursi listriknya nggak nyala, karena listrik sering mati...kursi pakunya nggak ada, tinggal pakunya aja karena kursinya sering diperebutkan. ..bensinnya juga nggak ada tuh, karena harganya melambung tinggi, malah di tahun 2010 katanya mau naik lagi dan setannya adalah mantan anggota DPR, jadi ia cuma datang, tanda tangan absensi, lalu pulang."
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010
BREAKFAST morning lasted not as usual. There was no serious discussion or jokes from the occupants of Indonesische Clubgebouw Kramat Raya Street 106, Jakarta . A.K. Gani, students from Minang, loss of fresh chat. He usually diligent tease Jusupadi Danuhadiningrat of Yogyakarta . A.K. jokes Gani is then ditimpali Muhammad Yamin with remarks that provoke laughter or Sjarifuddin Amir Abu Hanifa.
But Sunday morning, October 28, 1928, almost all residents Indonesische Clubgebouw drowning in their own thoughts. They just seem to get moved from the dining table. "Maybe because they were busy part of the Congress, perhaps also because the cuisine is not attractive. Understandably, the quality of food on that day declines," said dr. R. Suharto, Yamin colleague who later became the personal physician of Bung Karno.
Yamin should immediately formulate the thoughts of the speaker's second Indonesian Youth Congress in the building the previous night Jongelingen Katholieke Bond, Waterloopplein,Banteng Square , Jakarta . Understandably, he was appointed secretary of the congress committee. He himself gave a speech that night at length about "Unity and Nationhood in Indonesia ", including the need for national language to unite all groups and tribes in Indonesia .
Yamin's speech in front of the 750 rally participants were considered to have led local youth organization representatives who participated the congress to pledge joint. He was also the then write the text of the Youth Pledge was very influential. With this oath, busy-busy youth organizations shed their regional character and merged into one organization: Indonesia Young. Bung Hatta said that the Youth Pledge event as "an eruption history."
On Saturday and Sunday's first-year studentsRechts Hooge School (Higher Education Law) is indeed the middle of making history. Age was 25 years. And as stated by Chairman of the Youth Congress II Soegondo Djojopoespito in commemoration of 45 years of Youth Pledge, Yamin did a style typical of young people who "prefer to use flowery words" rather than reveal reality.
The fact that they face are still fully mastered Dutch Indonesia in 1928's. Youth Congress that was being watched 24 hours by Dutch police. But Yamin and all the young men who spoke in the density of this young man desperate to propose grandiose idea: one land, one nation, one language:Indonesia .
According Soegondo, Yamin was also put forward the imagination as a poet. Author of several poetry collections, as well as a book translator William Shakespeare and Rabindranath Tagore, for instance, called the Indonesian unity and nationhood is the result of the mind and the willingness of history that is hundreds of years old. "The spirit that had been asleep had now been built. This is called the spirit ofIndonesia ," said Yamin. "It's bombastic words, but otherwise looked brilliant for young people who heard him then," said Soegondo.
Yamin is also a "twist" the facts in order to get congress participants extensive coverage by the mass media. In his speech, Yamin said he was glad to speak in a court that, because the participants who attended came from all overIndonesia . He gives the impression as if the youth who attended the congress was just coming by boat or overland travel from all over Indonesia . Though congressional delegation representing the regions mostly came from Jakarta and cities in Java. "He has more priority than the effect of truth," said Soegondo.
But that does not mean Yamin had no idea of the piece. Since the first Youth Congress which took place on April 30, 1926 to May 2, 1926 inJakarta , Yamin proposes to make the Malay language as the language of unity. In front of the congress was chaired by Mohammad Tabrani, Yamin has ever attended Algemeene Middlebare School (a kind of high school in Yogyakarta East literature section) states that if it refers to the future of languages that exist in Indonesia and the literary, there are only two languages can be expected to become the national language, namely Java and the Malay language. But of those two languages, said Yamin, a slow-language Melayulah'll be a lingua franca or language of unity.
Tabrani, who is active in the association Jong Java, rejected the proposal. According to him, there must be one language of unity in accordance with the original purpose of the congress participants, namely one homeland, one nation and one language. "If it is named NusaIndonesia , the nation was named Indonesia , the Indonesian language should be called," said Tabrani at the time. Yamin accept rejection and since then he worked hard thinking about the proper resolution, which could be accepted and to unite all groups of nations.
About the national language was not only delivered during the first congress Yamin. Long before, at the age of 17 years, Yamin who was born on August 23, 1903 at Talawi, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra that has submitted ideas for making the Malay language as the national language ofSumatra . The idea was again turned on when he attended the fifth anniversary of association Jong Sumatranen Bond, in Jakarta in 1923. During the meeting Yamin delivered a speech entitled "De Maleiche Taal in het verleden, Heden en in de toekomst", which means "Malay, in the past, present, and future."
Born to a family of descendants of Minangkabau adat head with a father who worked as orderlies coffee, Oesman Bagindo Khatib, Yamin mengenyam lot of education. In his hometown, the third child of five siblings was finishing his education inHolland Inlander School . Remove from HIS, Yamin went to School Teachers in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra .
He then moved to theisland of Java and into vet school in Bogor . Feeling no talent, he moved to the agricultural high school in Bogor . In this place also Yamin has not found his interest. He then resigned and went to Yogyakarta . In this Gudeg City , Yamin attending secondary school over the Eastern literature. This is where Yamin finds her world.
Since young, in addition to active in the organization, Yamin was also already interested in literature. He is known as a diligent reader of books. Yamin has a book collection of more than 20 thousand pieces. At age 18 he has produced many poems. In 1922, Yamin published a collection of poems titled Homeland. In 1928, husband Raden Ajeng Sundari Mertoatmodjo (Siti Sundari), this re-write a book of poems Indonesia Sweepstakes My blood.
Yamin also mastered the science of history, Greek, Latin, Kaei, Javanese, Malay and Sanskrit. Later he was master of science in constitutional law after earning a law degree fromRechts Hooge School in Jakarta , in 1932.
In the early days of law school is fully involved in Yamin Youth Congress II. After a marathon meeting from Saturday afternoon until Sunday evening, October 28, 1928, all participants of the congress consists of delegates Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Indonesia, Sekar Pillars, Jong Islamieten Bond, Jong Batak, Jong Celebes, Jong Ambon, Young People Betawi, and several other delegates finally agreed and stated the Youth Pledge spark.
The formulation of the Youth Pledge was written Yamin on a paper when Mr Sunario, as a messenger of scouting the middle of a speech at the last session of Congress. As secretary, Yamin who was sitting to the left of the head thrusting a piece of paper to Soegondo, while whispering, "I have an elegant formulation of the resolution."
Soegondo resolution was read the formula, then looked Yamin. Yamin replied to view it with a smile. Spontaneous Soegondo affix initials "Agree". Next Soegondo forward proposals to the Amir Sjarifuddin formula that looked Soegondo with wondering eyes. Soegondo nodding. Amir also provide initials "Agree". And so on until all the delegates agreed youth organizations.
But Sunday morning, October 28, 1928, almost all residents Indonesische Clubgebouw drowning in their own thoughts. They just seem to get moved from the dining table. "Maybe because they were busy part of the Congress, perhaps also because the cuisine is not attractive. Understandably, the quality of food on that day declines," said dr. R. Suharto, Yamin colleague who later became the personal physician of Bung Karno.
Yamin should immediately formulate the thoughts of the speaker's second Indonesian Youth Congress in the building the previous night Jongelingen Katholieke Bond, Waterloopplein,
Yamin's speech in front of the 750 rally participants were considered to have led local youth organization representatives who participated the congress to pledge joint. He was also the then write the text of the Youth Pledge was very influential. With this oath, busy-busy youth organizations shed their regional character and merged into one organization: Indonesia Young. Bung Hatta said that the Youth Pledge event as "an eruption history."
On Saturday and Sunday's first-year students
The fact that they face are still fully mastered Dutch Indonesia in 1928's. Youth Congress that was being watched 24 hours by Dutch police. But Yamin and all the young men who spoke in the density of this young man desperate to propose grandiose idea: one land, one nation, one language:
According Soegondo, Yamin was also put forward the imagination as a poet. Author of several poetry collections, as well as a book translator William Shakespeare and Rabindranath Tagore, for instance, called the Indonesian unity and nationhood is the result of the mind and the willingness of history that is hundreds of years old. "The spirit that had been asleep had now been built. This is called the spirit of
Yamin is also a "twist" the facts in order to get congress participants extensive coverage by the mass media. In his speech, Yamin said he was glad to speak in a court that, because the participants who attended came from all over
But that does not mean Yamin had no idea of the piece. Since the first Youth Congress which took place on April 30, 1926 to May 2, 1926 in
Tabrani, who is active in the association Jong Java, rejected the proposal. According to him, there must be one language of unity in accordance with the original purpose of the congress participants, namely one homeland, one nation and one language. "If it is named Nusa
About the national language was not only delivered during the first congress Yamin. Long before, at the age of 17 years, Yamin who was born on August 23, 1903 at Talawi, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra that has submitted ideas for making the Malay language as the national language of
Born to a family of descendants of Minangkabau adat head with a father who worked as orderlies coffee, Oesman Bagindo Khatib, Yamin mengenyam lot of education. In his hometown, the third child of five siblings was finishing his education in
He then moved to the
Since young, in addition to active in the organization, Yamin was also already interested in literature. He is known as a diligent reader of books. Yamin has a book collection of more than 20 thousand pieces. At age 18 he has produced many poems. In 1922, Yamin published a collection of poems titled Homeland. In 1928, husband Raden Ajeng Sundari Mertoatmodjo (Siti Sundari), this re-write a book of poems Indonesia Sweepstakes My blood.
Yamin also mastered the science of history, Greek, Latin, Kaei, Javanese, Malay and Sanskrit. Later he was master of science in constitutional law after earning a law degree from
In the early days of law school is fully involved in Yamin Youth Congress II. After a marathon meeting from Saturday afternoon until Sunday evening, October 28, 1928, all participants of the congress consists of delegates Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Indonesia, Sekar Pillars, Jong Islamieten Bond, Jong Batak, Jong Celebes, Jong Ambon, Young People Betawi, and several other delegates finally agreed and stated the Youth Pledge spark.
The formulation of the Youth Pledge was written Yamin on a paper when Mr Sunario, as a messenger of scouting the middle of a speech at the last session of Congress. As secretary, Yamin who was sitting to the left of the head thrusting a piece of paper to Soegondo, while whispering, "I have an elegant formulation of the resolution."
Soegondo resolution was read the formula, then looked Yamin. Yamin replied to view it with a smile. Spontaneous Soegondo affix initials "Agree". Next Soegondo forward proposals to the Amir Sjarifuddin formula that looked Soegondo with wondering eyes. Soegondo nodding. Amir also provide initials "Agree". And so on until all the delegates agreed youth organizations.
The pledge
In Indonesian, with the original spelling, the pledge readsPertama
Kami poetera dan poeteri
Kami poetera dan poeteri
Kami poetera dan poeteri
In English:
We the sons and daughters ofIndonesia , acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia .
We the sons and daughters ofIndonesia , acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia .
We the sons and daughters ofIndonesia , respect the language of unity, Indonesian
We the sons and daughters of
We the sons and daughters of
We the sons and daughters of
Oath was originally read by Soegondo and then explained at length by Yamin. Once ratified, the young man's pledge was a milestone unity of Indonesia . "Yaminlah that changed the word pledge to swear," said historian Anhar barking.
Since then, every 28 October, Yamin and former Minister of Justice, Ministry of Education and Culture, Minister of Social Affairs at the Soekarno was always invited to attend the commemoration of Youth Pledge. Herbert Feith called the man who died on October 17, 1962 as "an ideological nationalist who was directly behind the president."
Since then, every 28 October, Yamin and former Minister of Justice, Ministry of Education and Culture, Minister of Social Affairs at the Soekarno was always invited to attend the commemoration of Youth Pledge. Herbert Feith called the man who died on October 17, 1962 as "an ideological nationalist who was directly behind the president."
"He was the poet who found the exact formulation of our nationality," said Mohammad Roem.
young pledge congres
Youth Congress
The idea of organizing the Second Youth Congress comes from the Student Association of Indonesian Students (GN), a youth organization which membered students from all over Indonesia . On the initiative GN, congresses held in three different buildings and divided in three meetings.
The first meeting, Saturday, October 27, 1928, in Building Katholieke Jongenlingen Bond (KJB), Waterlooplein (Banteng Square now.) In his speech, chairman GN Sugondo Djojopuspito hope the conference will strengthen the spirit of unity in the hearts of youth. The event was followed by a description Moehammad Yamin on the meaning and relationship of unity with youth. According to him, there are five factors that can strengthen the unity ofIndonesia , namely the history, languages, customary law, education, and willingness.
The second meeting, Sunday, October 28, 1928, inOost-Java Bioscoop Building , to discuss education issues. Second speaker, Poernomowoelan and Sarmidi Mangoensarkoro, argued that children should receive education nationality, must also be a balance between education at school and at home. Children also should be educated in a democratic manner.
At the closing meeting, on Clubgebouw Indonesische building on Jalan Raya Kramat 106, Sunario explain the importance of nationalism and democracy in addition to scouting movement. While Ramelan argues, the scouting movement can not be separated from the national movement. Scouting movement since the early to educate children and self-discipline, the things that are needed in the struggle.
The first meeting, Saturday, October 27, 1928, in Building Katholieke Jongenlingen Bond (KJB), Waterlooplein (Banteng Square now.) In his speech, chairman GN Sugondo Djojopuspito hope the conference will strengthen the spirit of unity in the hearts of youth. The event was followed by a description Moehammad Yamin on the meaning and relationship of unity with youth. According to him, there are five factors that can strengthen the unity of
The second meeting, Sunday, October 28, 1928, in
At the closing meeting, on Clubgebouw Indonesische building on Jalan Raya Kramat 106, Sunario explain the importance of nationalism and democracy in addition to scouting movement. While Ramelan argues, the scouting movement can not be separated from the national movement. Scouting movement since the early to educate children and self-discipline, the things that are needed in the struggle.
Before the congress closed played the song "Indonesia Raya" by Wage Rudolf Supratman who played with the violin without poetry, on the advice Sugondo to Supratman. The song was greeted with a very lively by Congress participants. Congress was closed by announcing the formulation of the congress. By the youth in attendance, it is pronounced as an oath formula Faithful.
indonesian song
Second Youth Congress participants come from various representatives of youth organizations that exist at the time, such as Jong Java, Jong Ambon, Jong Celebes, Jong Batak, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Bond Islamieten Jong, Sekar Pillars, GN, Youth The Betawi, etc.. Among them there were also some Chinese youth as an observer, namely Oey Kay Siang, John Lauw Tjoan Hok and Tjio Djien Kwie but until now unknown background organization that sent them. Meanwhile, Thiam Kwee Hiong was present as a representative of the Jong Sumatranen Bond. Initiated by the AR Baswedan arab descent youth in Indonesia , held a congress in Semarang and extol the Youth Pledge of Arab descent.
Building on Jalan Raya Kramat 106, recited the Pledge of Youth, is a lodging house for students and students belonging Sie Liong Kok.Building 106 was renovated Kramat Jakarta Government 3 April to 20 May 1973 and inaugurated Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, on May 20, 1973 as a Youth Pledge Building. This building was re-inaugurated by President Soeharto on May 20, 1974. In the course of history, never managed the Youth Pledge Building Jakarta Government, and is currently managed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Building on Jalan Raya Kramat 106, recited the Pledge of Youth, is a lodging house for students and students belonging Sie Liong Kok.Building 106 was renovated Kramat Jakarta Government 3 April to 20 May 1973 and inaugurated Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, on May 20, 1973 as a Youth Pledge Building. This building was re-inaugurated by President Soeharto on May 20, 1974. In the course of history, never managed the Youth Pledge Building Jakarta Government, and is currently managed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
Bukittinggi city began to stand in line with the arrival of the Dutch who later founded the fort in 1825 during the Padri War in one of the hill contained in this town, known as the fortress Fort de Kock, who as well as a resting place for officers who are in the area towns. Later in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, this area always increased role in state administration which later developed into a Stadsgemeente (city) [, and also served as the capital Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden and Onderafdeeling Oud Agam.
During the Japanese occupation, the town of Bukittinggi serve as the central control of its military government for the Sumatra region, even to Singapore and Thailand, where in this city is the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the leadership of Major General Hirano Toyoji [7]. And the town changed its name from Fort de Kock Stadsgemeente be Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, whose land extended to include village-like surrounding villages Sianok Anam Tribe, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Bukit Batu Taba and Batabuah. And now the villages-villages are entered into the territory of Agam District. And in this city the Japanese army established the largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia War Japanese version.
At times defend the independence of Indonesia, the city serves as the city struggles Bukitinggi, where on 19 December 1948, the city is designated as the capital city of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fall into the hands of the Dutch or known by the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). And then the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on Presidential Decree No. 28 of 2006 dated December 18, 2006 .
Furthermore, the town of Bukittinggi was also the provincial capital of Sumatra with its governor Mr. Tengku Muhammad Hasan.
Bukittinggi city was established by Act No. 9 of 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra that period, which covers the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.
Although after the issuance of Government Regulation no. 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis for local government town of Bukittinggi, but in its implementation until now still can not be implemented
During the Japanese occupation, the town of Bukittinggi serve as the central control of its military government for the Sumatra region, even to Singapore and Thailand, where in this city is the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the leadership of Major General Hirano Toyoji [7]. And the town changed its name from Fort de Kock Stadsgemeente be Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, whose land extended to include village-like surrounding villages Sianok Anam Tribe, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Bukit Batu Taba and Batabuah. And now the villages-villages are entered into the territory of Agam District. And in this city the Japanese army established the largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia War Japanese version.
At times defend the independence of Indonesia, the city serves as the city struggles Bukitinggi, where on 19 December 1948, the city is designated as the capital city of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fall into the hands of the Dutch or known by the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). And then the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on Presidential Decree No. 28 of 2006 dated December 18, 2006 .
Furthermore, the town of Bukittinggi was also the provincial capital of Sumatra with its governor Mr. Tengku Muhammad Hasan.
Bukittinggi city was established by Act No. 9 of 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra that period, which covers the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.
Although after the issuance of Government Regulation no. 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis for local government town of Bukittinggi, but in its implementation until now still can not be implemented
Mosque Bengkudu with the surrounding pool near Bukittinggi, one of the oldest mosque in Indonesia. Photo collection of Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Bukittinggi city surrounded by three volcanoes of Mount Singgalang, Mount Marapi and Mount Sago, and located at an altitude of 909-941 meters above sea level. The city is also berhawa cool with temperatures ranging between 16.1 - 24.9 ° C. While the total area of the current town of Bukittinggi (25.24 km ²), 82.8% have been allocated to cultivation of land, while the remaining protected forests
Singgalang mountain
Boundary region is surrounded by the city government Agam district, and never happened konfik between the two governments are in dispute over the territory . This was started after the release of Government Regulation no. 84 of 1999 on changes in city boundaries Bukittinggi and Agam district, where the government regulation (PP) is an area of the town of Bukittinggi increased to 145.29,90 km ².
But as government reform, which granted broad autonomy to the district and the city, emerged from the public rejection Agam district of expansion and development of the city of Bukittinggi. For people who enter into Agam district expansion area of this city, feel loss because with the return of the implementation of village governance model is more promising, than are in the village. Besides that, there are assumptions, people who have heterogeneous city would also tend to give effect to indigenous traditions and the wealth that had been owned by the village.
Bukittinggi city hall
The city is the most populous city in the province of West Sumatra, with a total workforce of about 52,631 people and 3845 people of whom are unemployed . The city is dominated by ethnic Minangkabau, but there are also ethnic Chinese, Javanese and Bata
Since the Dutch colonial era, this city has become a center of education on the island of Sumatra , starting in 1872, with the establishment Kweekschool Inlandsche Onderwijzers voor (school teachers for teachers bumiputera) or also known as king of the school, which later developed into volksschool or public school. Then in 1912 came Holandsch Inlandsche School (HIS), which continued with the founding of the Civil Schools School voor Opleiding Inlandsch Ambtenaren (OSVIA) in 1918. And in 1926 have also been established in the town of Bukittinggi MULO.
And in the early days of independence in this city once stood Polwan and cadet school and the school's first Civil Services in Indonesia, even Andalas University was first established in the town of Bukittinggi .
elementary or MI state : 65
private junior high or high school MTs and private :19
private state and private vocational MA state :29
private universities : 4
Bukittinggi city already has a good health service in the city with an area where relatively little has 5 hospitals they are 3 and 2 government-owned private health clinic supported by 5 and 6 mobile health center and 15 health centers. District General Hospital Dr. Achmad Mochtar hospital owned by the government is type B with excellence service for stroke.
nasi kapau
Field Sports Wirabraja
limpapeh bridge
Development of tourism is one of the leading sectors for the
town of Bukittinggi, the many exciting attractions, making this city is
also dubbed as the "city tour". Currently
in the town of Bukittinggi has been there about 60 hotels and 15 travel
agencies . The hotels are located in
the town of Bukittinggi, among others, The Hills (formerly Novotel),
hotels Pusako, and so forth.
hotels Pusako
Valley Sianok canyon is one of the main tourist attraction. Panorama Park located in the town of Bukittinggi allows
tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. Panorama Park In the cave there is also a former Japanese
soldier hiding during World War II, called as the 'hole of Japan'.
In the Garden there Kanduang Bundo Tower replica house that
serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, the zoo and the fortress Fort
de Kock is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh.
Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the road A. Yani which is the main street in the town of Bukittinggi
Ateh market is adjacent to the Clock Tower which is the center
of the city. In the Market is always
bustling ateh there are many food sellers and small embroidery craft
souvenirs typical of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips ala
Sanjai in Bukittinggi area) is made from cassava, as well as Karupuak
Jangek (Crackers skin) made of cow leather or buffalo and Karak Kaliang, a kind of typical Bukittinggi
snacks shaped like a figure 8. And at
this moment also has a modern shopping mall built in the town of
clock tower
the zoo
Press and Media
In this
city there are several radio stations as a means of information and
entertainment including RRI Bukittinggi, Elsie FM, SK FM, FM GRC and so
Postingan (Atom)